Always Forward.
Successful people are distinguished by being informed about their surroundings. Here, we provide you the latest, objective news from different perspectives such as business, finance, technology and health. If you are short on time, for a brief yet inclusive summary, you can read our “weekly summary”. However, if you have time to spare, get to view the world from different areas and experience different perspectives to broaden your horizon.

We offer you the best financial calculators and tools in the industry, so that you can succeed in your trading and investing endeavours. Utilize our tools to ease your computational burden and quickly develop strategies for your investment portfolio. Create and track dynamic hedging or similar strategies with ease.

With TeoTalks, we provide you the perspective of successful people from businessmen to financial analysts who will talk about their story and you will have a chance to ask your questions in live, free meetings conducted with them. These productive meetings will also provide you with a great network as you will be supplied the contact information of the speakers and even may be invited to a internship in their company.

Our Projects
We started with a small loan from our parents and multiplied it manifolds already under 6 months. Now we are planning to expand our company by carrying through several projects concerning various study fields.. Thesenuts projects will aim to solve a plethora of problems. We will announce those groundbreaking projects via this panel in the upcoming weeks as we finalise them.

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